Welcome to Hatchlings Hunters.

       Things You Should Remember

1. This site is private. DO NOT SHARE THIS SITE WITH ANYONE! If you know someone that would like to join, please direct them to our Facebook group. I keep this site private to keep an even number of nests to hunters. If we start getting people hunting here that have not given me their nest code, we will get overrun and there will not be eggs here for anyone.

2. If the site itself is loading and the nests are not there is nothing I can do about that. That is Hatchlings servers beings slow or having issues.

3. I have no control on how many eggs you will find. If someone is hunting ahead of you there will not be any eggs to find. If you are hunting at peak hunting times such as when  new eggs have been released there will be alot of people hunting making it harder to find eggs. Try skipping ahead a few pages or try coming back in about 30 minutes.

4. Please Bookmark the Home page and not a nest page. This helps me keep track of site traffic for when issues happen.  If you do not come in from my home page you are contributing to when I have issues.

5. If you are not seeing the eggs in the baskets this is not on my end, it is a problem with Brad's servers. He will recommend clearing your cache.

           Thank You


     Happy Hunting